Rep. Walsh to Brady Campaign: Break Free of the Beltway

Press Release

Date: Dec. 2, 2011
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Elections

Today,Representative Joe Walsh (IL-8) sent a letter to Acting President Dennis Henigan of the Brady Campaign criticizing Mr. Henigan's request for any debate to be held in Washington D.C. Rep. Walsh had previously invited Mr. Henigan to a debate on the Second Amendment at home in his congressional district, after Mr. Henigan denied the relevance of gun rights and ownership to the American people. Congressman Walsh sent a letter to reiterate the importance of holding this debate in Illinois and in frontof the American people, not in Washington.

Walsh stated: "While I appreciate Mr. Henigan's willingness to debate me, his desire to do so in Washington D.C. is exactly what is wrong with our nation's capitol. Washington politicians, bureaucrats, and lobbyists are too obsessed with Washington insiders and not the real Americans they represent.

"The last time I checked, I represent the folks of Illinois' 8th Congressional District, not Congressional staff, Washington lobbyists, or the national press corps. Why would I care what Washington insiders have to say? I assume that Mr. Henigan is also in Washington D.C. to advocate on behalf of the real Americans outside the Beltway. That is why I find his insistence on including only Washington insiders in our debate so disturbing.

"I believe that the right to bear arms is a fundamental right for all Americans that guarantees them the right to protect themselves and their families. This is exactly why Mr. Henigan and I must debate the Second Amendment outside the Beltway and back in my district in the heartland in front of real Americans, and not just Washington insiders."
